Posts in Literature
Revisiting Adrienne Rich’s "Twenty-One Love Poems"

“This half-world felt like a room of mirrors, where I saw reflections of myself everywhere, but only when I stepped inside it. These poems acted like a count-down to my break-up and reawakening to my queerness. I began to see my love of women everywhere, even in objects and places that weren’t explicitly ‘female.’”

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Sapphic Book Review: When Katie Met Cassidy

“Perri's descriptions of seedy queer spaces and sexually-charged nightlife are hilariously exaggerated (although not far off from reality). It's refreshing to read a novel that portrays lesbians as flippant as they are serious. Not every representation of queerness needs to be seamlessly positive — the regulars at Metropolis are messy, funny, confrontational, and shameless. They glide between caricatures and real people, revealing an honest and self-aware expression of performativity.”

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