Spookyscopes, October 29-November 3

Welcome to the third and final installment of your 2018 Spookyscopes, Kittens! This week’s theme: Phantom Femmes. Some of your favorite Ghoul Gang members of the past have been so generous as to share their messages with you from the other side, co-channeled by Samantha Rose. For a well-rounded message, make sure to check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs. We hope you appreciated our first set of #Spookyscopes, and we’ll see you next year!


“Your memory will expand
and your optimism will peak.
You’ll suddenly rise
and learn a peculiar lesson, Kitten.”
– Sylvia Plath, Scorpio Sun


“Keep your temper in check, Kitten….
New horizons… they’re in view.
You are midas, conjuring fortune…
Wherever you linger...”
– Vampira, Sagittarius Sun


“Demons? They’re old! They’re draining!
Specifically, exhausting your bravery!
Your vitality for life!
Let go and let flow as to not block your abundance, Kitten.”
– Eartha Kitt, Capricorn Sun


“I have to say, Kitten, you better plan
something for the future and make two wishes!
You’ll find rejuvenation
being in a crowd.”
– Etta James, Aquarius Sun


“Kitten, you bloody well should seek
the sensible. Be realistic.
Lose the desire to be loved by all.
It will only stifle your spirit.
There’s only one person you need to stay true to, and that’s you.”
– Elizabeth Taylor, Pisces Sun


“Kitten, you gotta have guts.
Truly take chances.
A crusade to somewhere new
may be lucky.
Resolve a secret or it’ll hold you back.”
– Bette Davis, Aries Sun


“I’m thrilled
to tell you, Kitten, your second sight is expanding. How exciting!
You must not let friends interfere with your progress!
Follow your instincts to happiness.”
– Audrey Hepburn, Taurus Sun


“It’s an awful good time
to refine and reevaluate your connections, Kitten!
Release those that don’t serve you.
Throw caution to the wind and leave security behind.
I just know relocation is key.”
– Marilyn Monroe, Gemini Sun


“People will most certainly be generous to you, Kitten.
I suppose it’s time
to expand your creative and entrepreneurial endeavors.
Remember your intellect
and the beautiful people around you.
Publicize what you have to offer, when you’re prepared.”
– Jayne Mansfield, Cancer Rising


“Take a glorious chance, Kitten.
You’ve never been dull as dishwater and you certainly aren’t about to be!
Pleasure is considered rest for you, naturally.
Are you royalty or not? Oui!
Something good is coming in two’s, that’s right.”
– Marlene Deitrich, Leo Sun


“Rid yourself of those dreaded dead-end relationships,
plant marvelous new seeds.
Be starkly and wonderfully honest.
Think carefully before you destroy, Kitten!”
– Carolyn Jones, Virgo Rising


“Kitten, underneath the swamp
of your work lies a gem.
Pull yourself out with it. Be led
by what intrigues you, lightly out of the bayou.
Orris root to invoke
romantic spirit within
or conjure without,
and bòn chans.”
– Marie Laveau, Libra Moon


The Phantom Femmes

Greta Von Voss is a contributing writer and resident astrology poet for Pussy Magic. She is a synesthete who has a passion for painting and embroidery. Born with a veil over her face, Greta loves the beauty of all things spiritual and intuitive. Her current journey is learning the realms of tarot and dream interpretation. Greta currently resides in the Appalachian foothills of Georgia with her husband and two dogs. You can find her musings on Instagram and her blog.

Samantha Rose is a poet, author, and editor from Northern California with a passion for raw self expression, pop culture, and the occult. She is also a Columnist at Tiny Flames Press, Contributing Editor for Dirty Paws Mag and Creative Non-Fiction Editor for Rose Quartz Journal. Find more about Sam and her writing on her website.