Kittenscopes, January 27-February 2

Happy Aquarius Season, Kittens! In addition to your weekly Kittenscopes, enjoy this curated #meowlist dedicated to Aquarius season to get you in the mood with some dreamy Aquarian magic.

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Happy Aquarius Season, Kittens! Enjoy this playlist specifically curated by Greta Von Voss (@wolfcattt) dedicated to the season and to all of the dreamy Aquarians everywhere. Catch your Kittenscopes every sunday: Xo!


Dry your eyes on the sleeves of apologies. Releasing is only cathartic when you don’t look back. Watch the skies go by.



Water the soil beneath your feet and never stop growing. Your raw beauty has already been unearthed. Make them notice you.


Give yourself room to explore your feelings. Being emotionally guarded is taxing. You can protect yourself, but don’t hide. 


Some things are written in the stars. Everything else is on the wall. Where do you want to look first?


Intuitive discernment is a must this week, Gemini. There is no better compass than your gut. You can see more with your eyes closed.


You may feel stuck in a ritualistic routine when what you yearn for is freedom. It may be hiding in plain view. Feel around and pull it out.


Setting boundaries is a form of self care. Practice it at least once this week. Yellow is always a good color on you.


Release what doesn’t serve you. Reorganize what does. Break it down to build it up.


Dwelling on the possibilities doesn’t make time move faster. Virtuous patience is its own reward. Wait and write.


Searching for beauty in the mundane will take you to the unexpected. See it through until the end. If you must, ask for help from a Pisces.


You cannot miss something that you did not want. Let the wind carry your pain. You go the other way.


A boundary drawn is a battle won. Where others break, you resiliently bend. Know where to stop before it goes too far.



Greta Von Voss is a contributing writer and resident astrology poet for Pussy Magic. She is a synesthete who has a passion for painting and embroidery. Born with a veil over her face, Greta loves the beauty of all things spiritual and intuitive. Her current journey is learning the realms of tarot and dream interpretation. Greta currently resides in the Appalachian foothills of Georgia with her husband and two dogs. You can find her musings on Instagram and her blog.