Kittenscopes, September 9-14

theme: colores


If you need
love, ask for it.
Write in pink for a clearer message.


The seeds you planted
last season are ready
for harvest. Be ready
for abundance. Aubergine for luck.


Listen to the Earth’s stories,
she wants to tell you something.
Get fresh air this week in white,
the breeze will leave its secrets on your skin.


Pay attention
to the number 2 and
whatever is orange.
Be patient with someone who adores you.


Let your heart be your compass.
Find your north star.
Sapphire will aid
your intuition.


Make a wish
on a falling star
or an angel’s number
and look closer at violet.
The shards of broken glass aren’t dancing
on the floor.


Tact is key
when harmony is the lock.
Keep your hands steady
and your steps soft.
Return home, wherever that is for you.
Use green.


The answers will live
on your tongue, but evade your lips.
Clarity has phoned in for the week, but you’ve got this.
Black to stay sharp.


Growth requires resilience
and you have no lack of it.
Measure your success by your own petals.
Water your roots with jade.


Tending to a bleeding wound
before it festers will
help you heal quicker.
Eat yellow fruit and define what peace looks like to you.  


Listen to the color red.
This week is good for love.
Keep your eyes closed
and your heart open.


Weather the storm,
the clouds will retreat to reward you.
The sun chooses you every time.
Hug someone wearing gold
for good luck.



Greta Von Voss is a contributing writer and resident astrology poet for Pussy Magic. She is a synesthete who has a passion for painting and embroidery. Born with a veil over her face, Greta loves the beauty of all things spiritual and intuitive. Her current journey is learning the realms of tarot and dream interpretation. Greta currently resides in the Appalachian foothills of Georgia with her husband and two dogs. You can find her musings on Instagram and her blog.