Confession + Tire Swing


Poems by Grace Novacek



you can’t tell me / to reconcile / all the being i’ve done / kneeling at a pew / lined with past lives / i’ll think i’m there to celebrate / to sing / i won’t know / the difference / between doubt and readiness / if it congeals to me / like a shadow / but what can we do / well, let me rephrase / since i’m trying to stop assuming synonymy / what can i do / besides ask questions / and expect divine answers

Tire Swing

i’m thinking about / what it feels like / to be upside down / which is to say that / i’m hoping to take up new space / and be forced to think / about why / i left some things / up the road / in the summer / five years ago / and nothing scares me more / than remembering them / except for maybe forgetting / everything else / and what i mean is that / time has a funny way of holding me / back


Grace Novacek is an interdisciplinary creative living in illinois. She has worked as an editor, writer, researcher, illustrator, and designer. She is always looking for ways to synthesize her interests across sciece, humanities, and social justice. She can be found on socials @gnovs.

Check out her zine here.